Street Art in Florence - Save the Planet, especially the sea

Here is a large and spectacular “fresco” from the Varlungo Viaduct, measuring at least 10 x 3 meters. The subject is clearly the sea with its creatures, the sea polluted by humans and their waste. Four large figures are presented swimming in their element: an octopus, a shark, a sea...

Street Art in Florence - Dog in pink with horns

This is the first artwork we present of a series from viale Corsica, a street in the northern suburbs of Florence. The road ends at the railway and a very long wall is occupied by Street Art, a kind of open-air art gallery. Part of the area is fenced, it...

The Gardens of Florence - Piazza dei Ciompi and its stories

A small square in the heart of the Santa Croce district. It may appear ancient, but it was actually created in the 1930s, when it was decided to demolish the area, crammed with old buildings considered unhealthy and degraded, in order to build a modern neighborhood. For these urban interventions,...

Street Art in Florence - Peace, need for harmony and universal spirituality

By the writer Valera 2021, various works on the same subject. Two in Le Cure underpass, another on Ponte Giovanni da Verrazzano. The first of Le Cure represents a handshake between a blue and a yellow-brown hand. A symbol of peace and friendship. The subject of the second is a...

Fountains of Florence

Whether installed to celebrate an event, a personality of relevance for the city or just to decorate a piazza, Italian cities have always loved their fountains. Florence is no exception. There are many beautiful fountains scattered around the city,  so let's see some of the most famous and unique fountains...

The Gardens of Florence - Il Parco di San Donato a Novoli

San Donato a Novoli, the dream of every urban planner: an area of ​​32 hectares to be structured for public use, in the middle of one of the most densely populated town districts. Each place has its own history, sometimes very long and interesting. In 1935 - 1939, the largest...

Street Art in Florence - Insectoids, the masterpiece

This insectoid comes from the open air gallery of Viale Corsica. It is very similar to the figures from Piazza Leopoldo, Viale Lavagnini and Ponte Giovanni da Verrazzano and might be by the same author, or group of artists or from the same "bottega", as in the Renaissance. In the...

Street Art in Florence - Other insectoids with multiple eyes

Here we have other insectoids, similar to the ones we have already seen in previously. They could be by the same author, even if this is not supported by the signatures. The new ones are in two different parts of the city, very far from each other: in Piazza Leopoldo...

Street Art in Florence - Green and blue insectoids

These artworks are located in a pedestrian underpass on Viale Lavagnini, a classic place for writers. The walls of underpasses are usually mainly covered with tags, but also with figurative works. This type of Street Art is sometimes defined as "creative vandalization", it is tolerated and some underpasses become museums...

The belly button of Florence - The Column of Abundance and its long history

Not all cities have a "belly button", an exact center marked by a column, but Florence does. It is the Column of Abundance in Piazza della Repubblica. Florence was founded by the Romans in 59 BC and all the surrounding land assigned to the veterans of Julius Caesar as a...


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