The origins of the Italian language

Woe to speak ill of Florence to a Florentine, you could trigger a very heated discussion. Florentines have always been known for their patriotic spirit, proud of their city and their origins. We can't blame them after all, considering that in the past Florence has really played a key role...

Street Art in Florence - Men-fish smoke pipe

Street artists, at least in Florence, love fish and sea creatures. You can find  many, perhaps it comes from the very suggestive idea that they "swim" in concrete. The magical sensation of the liquid world, without sound and gravity. For the Babylonians, men-fish were very important; called Apkallu, they were...

Beyond Renaissance in Florence - The Lorena triumphal Arch, a monument to the losers

Florence too has a triumphal arch like Paris, even if few people notice it, as it is isolated in a sea of traffic, in Piazza della Libertà. Any time of the day, gas and noise prevent passers-by from stopping for more than a few seconds, just long enough to wait...

Street Art in Florence - Nelson Mandela

There is also a "legal" street art not ephemeral, but made to last, financed by sponsors and institutions. Also in Florence there are such artwoks, like the mural dedicated to Nelson Mandela in Piazza Leopoldo, created by Jorit Ciro Cerullo, a Neapolitan artist, now  an internationally renowned artist, who started...

Excursions out of Florence - La Grotta Braschi (The Braschi Cave)

Twenty minutes walking from the main square of Fiesole along via Giuseppe Verdi, after a while you enter the wood and reach the Grotta Braschi, the most spectacular stone quarry in the Parco della Pietra of Monte Céceri, a beautiful protected natural area, equipped with paths, benches and signs. The name derives...

The Gardens of Florence - Villa Strozzi

The villa and the large park were one of the private residences of the Strozzi family, built in the mid-16th century by Giovan Battista di Lorenzo Strozzi. The Strozzi were a family of bankers, perhaps the richest of the time, long enemies of the Medici. Their palace in the center...

Street Art in Florence - Tomorrow will be worse

This work belongs to a particular category of Street Art, close to Sticker Art. The image, certainly made with the help of a computer, is printed on adhesive paper then glued to the wall. The meaning is enigmatic and open to the most varied interpretations, the references, which certainly exist,...

5 Greek myths in Art

Admiring a work of art and understanding a work of art are two very different things. Of course, understanding art is not easy, but at least as far as the works of the past are concerned, it helps that the artists often used a few recurring themes. Knowing at least...

The “Acculata Stone”, a very creative punishment!

Right in the center of the Loggia del Porcellino, in the floor,  there is a marble disk depicting a cart wheel. It indicates the point where the "carroccio" (cart) was placed with the insignia and flags of the Florentine Republic, where the army gathered in case of war. But the...

Excursion out of Florence - The Burraie and the Madonna's Roses

Half an hour by car or bus from Florence, above the Santa Brigida Village, you will find the "Ring of the Burraie", a 16-kilometer equipped trakking route through woods, meadows, rocks and beautiful landscapes. Along the path you will meet many “burraie” in excellent condition. But what are the “burraie”?...

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