The Gardens of Florence - Villa Fabbricotti

Far from the madding crowd! If you are attending one of our courses, take a break and stroll at - VILLA FABBRICOTTI  A short walk from Piazza della Libertà, in via Vittorio Emanuele II, there's a beautiful green space, a luxurious villa on top of a terraced hill, a rich vegetation...

Beyond Renaissance in Florence - The Art Nouveau Greenhouse by Giacomo Roster

The Orticoltura Garden was established for botanical scientific experiments in 1859 by the Georgofili Academy, an association founded in 1753, in the Enlightenment climate, for the study of agricultural techniques. Vineyards, fruit trees, vegetables and eccentric and rare ornamental plants were planted in the area. In 1876 the whole park...

The Chianti Classico Wine and its Black Rooster: a 600-year-old “logo”

Every company, every organization can’t do without a logo, a symbol to be recognized immediately, placed on  products, websites, letterheads, documents, advertising, labels, wherever possible. It has a strong evocative and commercial power and companies often invest heavily in this graphic representation to which an important industrial design sector is...

Street Art in Florence - Mr Wany at Primary School

Mr WANY - Street Art in Florence, the city of art, where even the walls become canvases.In October 2016, the City Council of Florence together with the District Councils decided to lift the ban on free Street Art and to promote "regulated" forms of it, recognizing the role of this...

The Center of Contemporary Art in Florence that doesn't exist, an incredible story

Florence  is universally considered the city of art and hosts many universities, schools and art institutions, but why doesn't it have a museum or a center of contemporary art to accommodate large-scale events like other big Italian cities? Certainly its efforts are mainly aimed at cultivating the past, both culturally...

Street Art in Florence -Tana liberi tutti!

The writing on the wall refers to the game of "hide and seek", played by children around the world. The way we play it in Italy is this: a player closes his eyes turned towards the wall - we call this "tana" meaning "lair" - and counts up to a...

La Befana has arrived!

  “La Befana vien di notte con le scarpe tutte rotte con le toppe alla sottana: Viva, viva la Befana!”   (“The Befana comes at night/with shoes all broken/with patches on the petticoat:/Long live the Befana!")   Thus the children sing in nursery rhymes describing the Befana. An old woman...

Beyond Renaissance in Florence - Il Villino Uzielli, Art Nouveau and Neoclassic

Not only Renaissance, other times, other architectures --- The VILLINO UZIELLI.  The original construction was built in 1870 on commission of Guido Uzielli, a wealthy banker. The building was part of the urban structure of the area according to Giuseppe Poggi's plan of 1865 Firenze Capitale, when the residences of...

Tuscan artists we love - Antonio Possenti

ANTONIO POSSENTI (Lucca, 1933 - 2016). Just a few words to mention the artists who animated the Tuscan, and especially Florentine, art scene in recent decades. Possenti, an autodidact, came to painting through the fascination of the magic of drawing and illustration. After an initial “pink-blue Picassian” period, he came...

Beyond Renaissance in Florence - The Pagliazza Tower, the oldest building in the city

This tower has the honor of being the oldest building in Florence, miraculously remaining in its original appearance. Built in the 6th century AD, almost surely by the Byzantines during the war with the Goths (535 - 553), it was part of the second smaller city walls, after the Roman...

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