Street Art in Florence - The blue bee

Also this work, like the Dinosaur with a Cap, is located on the external walls of the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy of the University of Florence, along with other important works. The bee, a nice animal and a symbol of industriousness and organization, suggests a positive and constructive message,...

Street Art in Florence - Dinosaur with a cap at the university

This tyrannosaurus is located on an external wall of the University of Florence, Faculty of Literature and Philosophy. What is the message? An obsolete and aggressive culture? But why green? Via degli Alfani, Florence.

Street Art in Florence - Hanging on a horse ring

On the ancient palaces of Florence you can still see the iron rings where the horses were attached. Little men could dangle down attached to a ring ... Via de' Pucci, Florence. 

Street art in Florence - Flowery thoughts

Here we see flowers growing from a little girl's head. The crowd cheers, almost venerates her. Is innocence true creativity? Via Bufalini, Florence.

Street Art from Tuscany - Picasso behind Trash Dumpsters

It is not in Florence, but it is special and worthy of mention. On the entrance of a Casa del Popolo, bombers dropping bombs were not in the original and have been added to clarify the events, in case of misunderstanding. Picasso was not clear enough. Ortonovo, Massa Carrara.

Tutankhamon experience in Florence

It was November 27, 1922, when Howard Carter discovered the tomb - sealed and in perfect conditions - of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. Made pharaoh at 9 years old and died at 19, of Tutankhamun it is still unknown the cause of death, which is assumed to have occurred after a fall...

ARIA: Tomás Saraceno at Palazzo Strozzi

Florence is the place where Leonardo da Vinci, 500 years ago, planned to fly using machines of his own invention. And it is precisely here that Tomás Saraceno decided to bring his flying spheres today, "aerosolar" balloons capable of flying without the use of fossil fuels, but only thanks to...

Romantic Florence: Ippolito and Dianora

Florence also has its own Romeo and Juliet, but they are called Ippolito and Dianora (or Lionora). The story is told in a novella of the fifteenth century, Istorietta amorosa fra Leonora de ’Bardi e Ippolito Buondelmonti, that most attribute to the pen of Leon Battista Alberti. It is about...

A vandal called Michelangelo Buonarroti

On the wall of Palazzo Vecchio, behind the statue of Hercules and Cacus by Baccio Bandinelli, you will notice, if you look closely, the face of a man engraved in stone. According to the legend, Michelangelo Buonarroti himself is the author of this artwork. Michelangelo was an excellent artist, but...

The mistery of the Medici coat of arms

A golden shield with five red balls, and a blue one decorated with three golden lilies. You must have seen it everywhere in Florence, since it is the Medici coat of arms. The Medici blazon underwent inexplicable changes during most of the fifteenth century, in particular in regards to the...


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