Bruno Caruso. The art of drawing

Bruno Caruso. The art of drawing Curated by Catherine Napoleon - Museum of Graphic 13 December 2012 - 2 April 2013   Museum of Graphic Palazzo Lanfranchi, 9 Lungarno Galilei, Pisa tel. 050-2216060-2216062-2216066   Bruno Caruso (Palermo, August 8, 1927), painter, designer and engraver, is one of the...

ANTONIO LIGABUE. Instinct, genius and madness

ANTONIO LIGABUE. Instinct, genius and madnessMarch 2 -  June 9, 2013Tuesday - Sunday 10:00 - 19:00 The exhibition, curated by Maurizio Vanni and Joseph Amadei, consists of 80 works representing the different expressive techniques (oil on canvas, drawings, graphics and sculptures) used by Antonio Ligabue (1899-1965), one of the most...

DONNA SCULTURA (Woman Sculpture)

9 February 2013 -  March 6, 2013DONNA SCULTURA (Woman Sculpture)Church and Cloister of St. AugustineVia Sant\'Agostino 1, Pietrasanta (Lucca)Phone: 0584795500  This exhibition is an yearly initiative of the City Hall Culture Department of Pietrasanta, which intends to present as the art of sculpture has been interpreted and developed by women....

The flowers of Tano Pisano

The Flowers of Tano PisanoSala del Basolato, New Premises of the Municipality of Fiesole - Piazza Mino, 26 - FiesoleDate: April 20 - June 2 2013Time: 10-18 - free admission Tano Pisano was born in Lentini, Sicily, in 1947. Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, has worked...

Vintage. The irresistible charm of the past

Vintage. The irresistible charm of the pastis an exhibition of vintage fashion organized by the Textile Museum of Prato, one of the most important institutions dedicated to fashion, in collaboration with ANGELO Vintage Archive and the participation of many international stylists. You can see very important and significant pieces of...

The fantastic landscapes by Bart Herreman in Serravezza

The fantastic landscapes by Bart Herreman in Serravezza 23 March  2013 -  9 June 2013 Palazzo Mediceo, via del Palazzo 358, Seravezza (Lucca)Fondazione Terre MediceeTel.: +39 0584.757443Web: The tenth edition of Seravezza Photography will be held from March 23  to June 9, 2013. An event of national and international success that every year...

The seven deadly sins

I sette vizi capitali (The seven deadly Sins) Free Engravers Association Gallery Il Bisonte, via San Niccolò, 24r, Florence The gallery Il Bisonte is the most ancient and illustrious Florentine institution that deals with engraving, organizing  courses and exhibitions. From  30 January to  15 February 2013 the gallery will host an exhibition...

Marta Gierut

Marta Gierut - Il volto e la maschera From 10 Febryary 2013  10:30 am thru 3 March 2013 7:00 pm Pietrasanta (Lucca) - Palazzo Panichi, via del Marzocco 2 Inauguration: 10 February,10.30 am - Sala dell’Annunziata Chiostro di Sant’Agostino Opening times:  From Monday to Friday from 4pm to 7pm; Saturdays and...

Pisacroma 2

Pisacroma 2 The protagonists of the last 40 years of painting in Pisa From Saturday 9 February, at Galleria dell\'Accademia Accademia d\'Arte di Pisa   Via Luigi Boccherini 12, Pisa  Bruno Pollacci, painter and Director of the Academy of Art in Pisa, is the organizer of this important exhibition of...

La Firenze di Ottone Rosai

Palazzo Vecchio tells about the city The Florence of Ottone Rosai march 2012 - march 2013 Palazzo Vecchio, Piazza della Signoria, Florence La sezione temporanea di Tracce di Firenze si inaugura con l’omaggio a uno dei massimi esponenti dell’arte del Novecento, il pittore fiorentino Ottone Rosai (1895-1957). Palazzo Vecchio, Piazza...


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