A New Flight to Solaris takes off from the Franco Zeffirelli Foundation!

New Flight to Solaris, which opened this week, is the new exhibition at the Fondazione Franco Zeffirelli in Florence that takes inspiration from the work of the Russian film-maker Andrei Tarkovsky. This is the first international exhibition of Moscow’s AZ Museum, the Soviet museum named after Anatoly Zverev, the main...

Santa Maria Novella unveiled

The Santa Maria Novella Church is one of the most beautiful churches in Florence as well as one of the most important examples of Gothic architecture in Tuscany, and yet, it is too often neglected by tourists, drawn to more famous places of interest. Do not make this mistake. You...

I Mondi di Calder at Palazzo Medici Riccardi

Palazzo Medici Riccardi hosts the new exhibition "I mondi di Calder", curated by Gianluca Marziani, curator and artistic director of Palazzo Collicola Arti Visive in Spoleto. An exhibition dedicated to the American artist, who was particularly attached to the city of Spoleto. Here he spent some periods of his life...

A thousand years of San Miniato al Monte

The Abbey of San Miniato al Monte has just celebrated a thousand years since its foundation! The church was built in honor of St. Miniato, the first martyr of Florence. He was allegedly an Armenian prince who was passing through Florence around the year 250. After refusing to venerate the...

The Florence Experiment

The much anticipated Florence Experiment has finally opened to the public! The project by Belgian artist Carsten Höller and Stefano Mancuso, taking place at Palazzo Strozzi, merges art and science in a unique and much fun experience. It is not surprising that the two have decided to collaborate considering the...

The new Modern Art Museum in Florence

A new modern art museum has opened in town: the Roberto Casamonti Collection. Art dealer Roberto Casamonti, developed a passion for art as a child and in the course of his life acquired a vast number of art works of exceptional value that he never placed on the market. Part...

La restauración de la Capilla Capponi

Recientemente concluyó la restauración de la Capilla Capponi en la iglesia Santa Felicita, fundada por la Fundación Amici di Firenze. La obra que duró casi un año, se realizó en todo el complejo arquitectónico y las magníficas obras de arte que ahí se contienen. Los visitantes podrán admirar los colores...

El interior de la Cúpula de Brunelleschi

La cúpula de Brunelleschi, con su cubierta de tejas rojas y la nervadura blanca de mármol como contraste, es una de las obras arquitectónicas más características de Florencia. Admirada y conocida por su aspecto exterior, es en realidad una obra maestra de la arquitectura que resulta igualmente maravillosa vista desde...

Dawn of a Nation at Palazzo Strozzi

Last week at Palazzo Strozzi opened another great temporary show, Dawn of a Nation – from Guttuso to Fontana and Schifano. The exhibition curated by Luca Massimo Barbero gives us an insight on Italy after World War II. Eighty works by Italian masters such as Renato Guttuso, Lucio Fontana, Alberto...

What is the so called Florence Syndrome?

Finding yourself in front of Florence’s breathtaking masterpieces such as the David of Michelangelo or Botticelli’s Primavera or even stepping inside the stunning Chapel of the Princes in San Lorenzo, can cause some serious dizziness. But what if what you felt was more than simple dizziness and excitement? What if...

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