The Terrace of Geographic Maps of the Uffizi: a testament to the power of the Medici family in Tuscany

After two years of restorations carried out by the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence, we can return to admire the Terrace of Geographic Maps of the Uffizi, a place rich in history from which visitors can enjoy a beautiful view of the city. Giorgio Vasari had designed this space...

The Italian tradition of the Nativity scene

A Christmas tradition that has Italian roots is that of the Nativity scene, "Presepe" in Italian, a display of objects and figures representing the birth of Jesus. The term “presepe” derives from the Latin “praesaepe”, meaning manger, trough, or an enclosed area for sheep and goats. The baby Jesus, Mary...

Medici Chapels: The New Sacristy

The Medici Chapels of Florence are one of the most famous and fascinating complexes in the city. Built by Michelangelo and Buontalenti between the 16th and 17th centuries, the chapels are the mausoleum of the Medici family and include the Chapel of the Princes and the New Sacristy (so called...

Medici Chapels: the Chapel of the Princes

The Medici Chapels complex is part of the Basilica of San Lorenzo and includes the New Sacristy designed by Michelangelo in 1519, and the grandiose Chapel of the Princes built in the seventeenth century. Hard to decide which space is the most beautiful, the first emblem of formal purity, the...

Más allá del Renacimiento en Florencia - Villa Bayon en la colina de San Gaggio

A lo largo de la antigua carretera provincial a Siena, en la cima de la colina de San Gaggio, hay una hermosa residencial, una red de pequeñas calles que conducen a villas en el campo. Todas muy elegantes, pero una es diferente a las demás: Villa Bayon. Encargada en 1963...

Bernini's portrait of Costanza Boarelli as a symbol of the violence against women in the photographic exhibition at the Uffizi: Pain is not a priviledge

Everyone knows Gian Lorenzo Bernini as the greatest exponent of Baroque sculpture, author of works of incredible beauty. Certainly a man of great passion, an emotion that he skilfully transmitted through his art. But few know about his darker side, and how this great passion of his led him to...

Street Art en Florencia – Stay tuned!

Desde el paso subterráneo de Cure, vemos otra obra que podríamos llamar Stay Tuned! Un rey serpiente con una corona emerge de repente de la pared y se lanza a un ratón aparentemente desprevenido.   Los ojos ardientes son la firma del autor, Ninjaz, muy activo en Florencia, parte del...

Los jardines de Florencia - Villa Favard en Rovezzano

Suburbios del este de Florencia, Rovezzano, un parque público con una gran villa en el centro, Villa Favard (que no debe confundirse con la villa homónima en via Curtatone, sede de la escuela de moda Polimoda).   La historia de este lugar comienza a finales del 1200, en una Florencia...

November is the cruelest month: the flood of 1966

November seems to be historically one of the rainiest and deadliest months of the year in Florence, as past events remind us. To be precise, November 4th appears to be a very unfortunate date. Every year, if it’s been raining heavily in the days before this date, we start thinking...

The story of Ginevra degli Almieri

Florence is full of mysteries and there is no shortage among them of stories about ghosts, witches and devils. Here is an unbelievable story, perhaps the most famous one, and what makes it so disturbing is that it is actually a true story, although several versions exist today. It is...

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