Wassily Kandinsky

Wassily KandinskyDalla Russia all’Europa13th October 2012– 3rd February 2013 Palazzo Blu | Sede espositiva | Lungarno Gambacorti 9, 56125 Pisa | Tel. +39 050 916.950 | , Palazzo d’Arte e Cultura PisaFondazione Palazzo Blu | Uffici | Via Pietro Toselli 29, 56125 Pisa | Tel. +39 050 24.225 |  This exhibition of paintings by Kandinsky at...

Guy Bourdin

GUY BOURDIN - MOSTRA FOTOGRAFICA- A MESSAGE FOR YOU Museo Alinari della Fotografia, Piazza Santa Maria Novella, Firenze 10 Gennaio 2013 – 10 Marzo 2013 Orario: tutti i giorni compresi festivi 10,00 – 18,30Chiuso il mercoledìBiglietteria: Intero € 9,00; Ridotto € 7,50. Guy Bourdin è uno degli autori più interessanti del...

Vintage Selection

Vintage selection - clothing, accessories and design objects exhibition/market  From the 23rd to the 27th January 2013 at the Stazione Leopolda of Florence will take place the 20st edition of Vintage Selection, one of the most important and prestigious exhibition-markets in Italy and Europe for fashion, vintage culture and quality...

From Fattori to the XXth Century

From Fattori to the XXth Century Painting Exhibition Villa Bardini, Florence 1st April 2012 - 6th January 2013 A vaste and precious collection of more than 100 paintings of famous authors, like Giovanni Fattori, Telemaco Signorini, Giuseppe Abbati, Eugenio Cecconi, Vito D'Ancona, Oscar Ghiglia, Ulvi Liegi, Llewelyn Lloyd is the content...

Early One Morning

                                     Sculpture Exhibition                            Marino Marini Museum, Firenze On Saturday, 17th november 2012 there will be the inauguration of the sculpture...

France Odeon

FRANCE ODEONFestival of French Cinema  Cinema Odeon, Piazza Strozzi, Firenze1 – 4 November This is the fourth year that France Odeon exists and it still represents the main stage of french cinema in Italy. In the four days of the festival you will be able to see  movies of recent...

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