Masterpieces of Art: the scandalous Titian's Venus

The Venus of Urbino, or simply Titian's Venus, is one of the most famous paintings in the history of art, admired as much as discussed, it was a source of inspiration for many artists. Guidobaldo II della Rovere di Urbino, commissioned this painting from the Venetian painter with the intention...

Baci: the chocholates of lovers

In Italy they are a big hit, even 100 years after their creation. We mostly give them as presents for Saint Valentine’s day, but also on Mother’s Day and a variety of other occasions. In fact, we love them so much, that we eat them all year round. They are...

Carnevale desserts: Cenci

During Carnevale each of us should let go and have some fun, no more diets, but rather, it is time to indulge in sweets! That's why there are so many pastry preparations related to this period. In particular, a dessert ever present at carnival in Tuscany are "Cenci" (rags), sweet...

Anj Smith's interior landscapes at the Stefano Bardini Museum

“I love the idea that painting, pointless technologically, can still hypnotise and seduce us.” Says artist Anj Smith, a statement that leaves space for reflection, not only about painting, but art itself. Art is created and consumed because human beings crave to express themselves, to look at something beautiful, something...

Ancient Florence: Badia Fiorentina

With Brunelleschi’s Dome, Giotto's bell tower and the tower of Palazzo Vecchio to reign supreme in the Florentine skyline, the beautiful bell tower of the Badia Fiorentina often goes unnoticed, although clearly visible next to the tower of the Bargello museum. It indicates the position of one of the oldest...

Jenny Saville in Florence

Florence welcomes in five of its major museums the works of one of the most important living artists in the world, Jenny Saville. This is a huge exhibition project, curated by Sergio Risaliti, director of the Museo Novecento, the fulcrum of the widespread exhibition. Here we find about 100 works...

The troubled past of Ponte Vecchio

Not much is known about the origins of Ponte Vecchio, one of the most famous bridges in Italy, as well as the oldest bridge in Florence. We only know that at some point, the Romans decided to build a bridge over the narrowest point of the Arno River within the...

The Chapel of The Magi in Palazzo Medici Riccardi

Benozzo Gozzoli (c. 1421 - 1497) was a Florentine painter, a pupil of Lorenzo Ghiberti and Beato Angelico, known mostly for the frescoes in the Magi Chapel in Palazzo Medici Riccardi. It was to him that Cosimo and Piero de 'Medici commissioned the frescoes for the chapel, a work that...

Galileo Chini at Villa Bardini

Villa Bardini reopens after two years, with the exhibition entitled Galileo Chini and European Symbolism. The exhibition, dedicated to the greatest Italian interpreter of Liberty modernism and one of the major exponents of Symbolism at European level, focuses on the artist's first twenty years of career, which made him famous...

Panettone or Pandoro? The age-old dilemma

Nothing divides Italians more than the choice between Panettone and Pandoro, the Christmas cakes par excellence. Between the two, Panettone is certainly the one with the most ancient origins. In fact, we’re talking of a recipe that has its roots in a tradition dating back to the times of the...

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