Curious Florence: Palazzo dei Cartelloni
via Sant'Antonino 11 in Florence, there is a building that immediately catches
the eye of passers-by as it features decidedly unusual decorative elements. It
is Palazzo Viviani, otherwise known
as the "Palazzo dei cartelloni” (Billboards Palace), due to the enormous
epigraphs with which the facade is decorated. Among these
"billboards", above the entrance door, there is also a bust of Galileo Galilei. One wonders, was this
perhaps the home of the famous Pisan scientist?
this was actually the home of Vincenzo
Viviani, another scientist and also disciple
of Galileo.
admired and respected so much the work of his Master, that upon his death in
1642, he wanted to have a monumental tomb erected in his honor. However, he
encountered the opposition of the ecclesiastics, who considered it
inappropriate to celebrate the memory of a man convicted on suspicion of
in 1690 Viviani decided to take matters into his own hands and build his own monument to Galileo. He therefore
commissioned the construction of the
facade of his palace to his friend Giovan Battista Nelli, and had it
decorated with large scrolls on which Galileo Galilei's discoveries were
engraved and a bust of the scientist with bas-reliefs on the sides: on one side
was represented the observation of Jupiter's satellites through the telescope
to determine the longitude at sea, on the other the parabolic motion of
took almost a hundred years before the monumental tomb was inaugurated in 1737 in
the Basilica of Santa Croce, where the mortal remains of Galileo and his
disciple Viviani, who had also been dead for over thirty years by then, were
curiosity: before belonging to Viviani, the palace in via Sant’Antonio was
owned by Francesco del Giocondo, who was none other than the husband of Monna Lisa
Gherardini, the woman painted by Leonardo da Vinci and known by everyone as the
"Gioconda". Since the painting was commissioned to Leonardo from
Giocondo, the image of his woman was given the nickname "Gioconda".