Robert Capa Exhibition

Finally in San Gimignano the great exhibition dedicated to the father of photojournalism and famous war photoreporter Robert Capa, born in Budapest in 1913. The exhibition shows 78 black and white images of the Second World War in Italy. Capa wasn’t a soldier but spent most of his life on...

Cooking class

Cooking class with the group of swiss students! menu: "millefoglie di melanzane" with different vegetables and in the oven; homemade pasta with two sauces, one with meat and one vegetarian; chocolate soufflé. Click here to see the pictures: cooking class

Pittura con tecniche antiche rinascimentali

Pittura ad olio - Foglia d'oro - Tempera a uovo Firenze è stata la culla dell’arte nel Medioevo e nel Rinascimento e grandi maestri come Giotto, Michelangelo e Leonardo da Vinci hanno lavorato qui realizzando i loro capolavori. La conoscenza delle loro tecniche, dei loro materiali e del loro stile è...

Another “David” at the Galleria dell’Accademia

Another “David” at the Galleria dell’Accademia Galleria dell’Accademia, Florence From 05/05/2015 through 20/09/2015 Through September 20, at the Galleria dell’Accademia in Florence, besides the prestigious and immortal David of Michelangelo it’s possible to admire another David! Similar to the original, but re-elaborated in contemporary style, it’s called “Hero” and it’s...

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