Street Art in Florence - Alien flower and mad dog
Another work from the Cure underpass - one of the main Florentine galleries of creative "vandalization" - caught our attention: signed by Skino, its title is "Alien flower and mad dog".
The flower seems to influence the dog with its waves of “alien energy, making him crazy, almost as if he had licked a hallucinogenic mushroom. The work is very funny and colorful, but above all, we note the author's capable hand in the characterization of the dog, in the use of lights and shadows and shades of color. The colors are lively and bright, the volumes are well represented and clever is the use of the real light (top lamp) as a light point also in the drawing. The dog, with short pink hair, almost as if it were skin, plump and with its short legs, the tongue out and the hallucinated look, inspires immediate sympathy.
We always appreciate when a work makes us smile.