Verrocchio, Master of Leonardo arrives at Palazzo Strozzi
Palazzo Strozzi is hosting a new exhibition from March 9th to July 14th, this time we strand from contemporary art for a while and go back to Renaissance times: 'Verrocchio, Master of Leonardo' celebrates Andrea del Verrocchio, in the first retrospective ever devoted to the Florentine artist.
This means that for the first time in history, it will be possible to retrace Verrocchio's career through the relation with the works of one of his famous masters, Desiderio da Settignano, and with the creations of those who later became Andrea's own students, among whom we find the great Leonardo da Vinci.
Works of the caliber of the Lady with the Primroses, The Virgin and Child with Two Angels, the David and the Madonna di Piazza are on display among many other masterpieces by Verrocchio, Desiderio da Settignano, Pollaiolo, Domenico Ghirlandaio, Pinturicchio, Perugino and of course, Leonardo.
Born in the Sant’Ambrogio neighborhood, in Florence, Andrea was initiated first to the goldsmith craftsmanship and then became interested in bronze and marble sculpture. Only for a brief period, he dedicated himself to painting - what is more, with masterly results - but he always came back to sculpture in the end, his ultimate passion.
Compared to other exhibitions, this seems to have been specially made to thrill collectors and art historians, since here we see pieces of art history reconnected like dots on a map, filling the blanks that have characterized for centuries the researches on the life of Andrea del Verrocchio. In fact, many works of Verrocchio have never been attributed to him, his capable hand often confused by those of the pupils that worked in his workshop. Many pieces were even wrongly dated, because the master worked very slowly with the precision and obsession of a goldsmith, therefore commissions overlapped temporally making dating them very difficult.
An exhibition, this, that doesn’t necessarily aim to gain the consent of visitors through the display of famous artworks, but rather, tries to finally give credit to the admirable work of the master Andrea del Verrocchio, to whom the generations of artists who came after him owe a great deal and without whom the great Leonardo da Vinci would never have become the universal genius we all know.