The Museum of Illusions in Florence
concept of the Museum of Illusions
was born in 2015 in Zagreb, Croatia, and was then exported to various cities
around the world, also arriving in Italy, first in Milan then in Florence and
museum has opened inside Palazzo
Tornaquinci Della Stufa, a historic building, in via Borgo Albizi, 29, and
offers a permanent exhibition that mixes art, science, physics and optics.
museum itinerary made up of optical
rooms, plays of light and mirrors, riddles and objects with which to challenge
your brain and mysterious works of art.
Florence, a city devoted to ancient art and accustomed to a more classic idea
of a museum, it is a new experience, which has already been greatly appreciated
by the public, especially by children and teenagers.
to describe in detail what you will find inside the museum because it is rather
something to see with your own eyes. It is an
interactive museum that must be lived and experienced.
Nothing here is as it seems. It is
a place that leads us to question reality as we see and perceive it, which
makes us understand how easy it is to deceive our senses, so much so that
sometimes it is necessary to find optical tricks through the lenses of the
camera. In fact, visitors can take pictures inside the museum, indeed, they are
invited to do so! This is an integral part of the museum's activity.
a stop to add to your itinerary to discover Florence, which offers an
educational experience that is different from the usual.