XII edition of the Florence Biennale at the Fortezza da Basso

Every two years Florence promotes the talents of contemporary art though the Florence Biennale, opening this year on October 18th.

The exhibition, in its XII edition, will be accompanied as always by a rich program of events such as conferences, exhibitions and performances.

Over 470 artists and 200 designers will be present, and those who will stand out in their category will be awarded the prestigious International Award "Lorenzo il Magnifico".

The event is therefore an important showcase for artists from all over the world: among the winners of the past editions we can mention Arata Isozaki, El Anatsui, Sauro Cavallini in memoriam, David Hockney, Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Gilbert and George, Marina Abramović, José Luis Cuevas, Agatha Ruiz de la Prada, Anish Kapoor and Marta Minujín.


The 12th edition of the Florence Biennale includes the following artistic categories in competition: drawing and calligraphy, painting, mixed media, sculpture, ceramic art, textile art, jewelery, photography, multimedia art, video art, performance and art installation .

However, this year the event will also include a new space dedicated to design on the first floor of the Spadolini Pavilion at the Fortezza da Basso in Florence, which will be connected to the celebrations for the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci.

Here the work of the great Renaissance master will be filtered through the experience of international artists and reinterpreted using multiple artistic languages.


Furthermore, new feature of the 12th edition of the Florence Biennale, will be the addition of an evening entrance only admission ticket, inclusive of aperitif.

In fact, every evening from 6.00 pm, visitors will be able to participate in the Aperitivo ad Arte, during which Chefs and professionals of gastronomy world will present their new culinary creations. Not to be missed!

You have until October 27th to visit the Biennale at the Fortezza da Basso!

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